Project Abstract
My foodways research project explores topics related to food and travel. The main implication is that food has a large impact on culture, and vice versa. Another implication is that what we eat defines our own personal culture. These two points are explored through five main blog posts and a cornerstone blog post. The main posts are about specific countries I’ve traveled to, including my own personal experiences and foodways research on how food and culture are intertwined. Blog post one starts with some research about food as identity and how the origins of food impact culture. Blog post two explores cuisine in Uganda and how the two most popular dishes affect the region's culture. Blog post three dives into Dominican culture and a couple of main features of their cuisine. Blog post four takes a look at food in Kenya and how its main dish is fundamental to life there. Lastly, blog post five is about food and culture in Greece and their take on a Cretan salad dish. The cornerstone blog post centers around how pace of life, what we eat, and how we eat affects our own personal culture as well as the culture of those around us.